New Projects Near and Dear

With the return to regular routines that the beginning of school brings, I returned to my studio in September with again more ideas of what to paint than time or energy allowed. The scattered approach of painting whatever I feel like (or am commissioned to do) is hugely satisfying as I am never bored or locked in to a theme the grows tired or dull. But painting puppies and children-playing doesn't really convey the message I want or know I could. So with this new (to us) house, new neighborhood, new studio - this fall seemed like a good time to start a new series of paintings: one with a theme that connects my two worlds.

This is a very happy development for me as I have been wanting to merge space and science with art for some time. The periodic table of elements paintings were a successful first stab at that, but now that I have decided to focus on a science theme with my paintings there is so much to explore! I am now simultaneously working on seven space-related paintings and some 3 dimensional works as well. Though, I am very much in the experimental phase of this new collection, so we will have to wait to see what comes out of it.

With this new theme, I am also trying on some new painting techniques in an effort to minimize the adverse health risks with painting (it can be rather toxic). So bring on the palette knife (to reduce the need to clean the oil paint of my brushes in mineral spirits that fills my studio with fumes), and some attempts at using acrylic paints instead of oils. It is not an easy switch. 

I have no pictures for this post, as all pieces are still in-progress. But know that I am having a mostly-glorious though sometimes frustrated-what-am-I-doing time in my studio and I look forward to sharing my efforts soon.